I realised, shortly after sending the previous newsletter, that I forgot to mention I'd be taking a fortnight's break while I was off visiting family in Hungary. So, consider this very late notice if you were wondering where the newsletter was a couple of weeks back!This fortnight's newsletter has a bit of a baking theme in parts, including a new infographic on raising agents, as well as a reminder of an older graphic on eggs which is a nice tie-in. There's also news on an awards nomination I'm tenuously involved in, the conclusion to the Chem vs COVID timeline, and the final episode of Crash Course Organic Chemistry.
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Ci Newsletter #17: Baking soda vs baking…
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I realised, shortly after sending the previous newsletter, that I forgot to mention I'd be taking a fortnight's break while I was off visiting family in Hungary. So, consider this very late notice if you were wondering where the newsletter was a couple of weeks back!This fortnight's newsletter has a bit of a baking theme in parts, including a new infographic on raising agents, as well as a reminder of an older graphic on eggs which is a nice tie-in. There's also news on an awards nomination I'm tenuously involved in, the conclusion to the Chem vs COVID timeline, and the final episode of Crash Course Organic Chemistry.